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Team Building while remote working. A focus for leaders.
7 Sep 2020

Team Building While Remote Working. A Focus for Leaders.

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Stage 4 lockdown in Melbourne has been extended by 2 weeks, which means remote working continues to be the way forward for many of us. As we continue to dial into meetings, juggle homeschooling, and try to maintain a distinction between work and home life, things inevitably get blurry. Dedicated start and finish times, breaks and check-ins need to be implemented. It’s during this time, particularly when individuals look to their leaders for instruction, guidance and support. Team building and cohesion during Covid-19 are equally important to getting things done.

Ignite Team Spirit and Collaboration through Dynamic Team Building
Team building activities are essential while working from home.

Building Strong Teams in Challenging Times

One on one’s with team members is a great opportunity to work through what’s working well while working from home and the challenges of work and homeschooling, amongst other hot conversation topics. As the extraordinary situation unfolds, it is understandable that training, coaching, and one-on-one sessions have fallen by the wayside. However, it’s time to make development a priority again.

The focus of developing teams during a pandemic, particularly in lockdown, can be team building, time management, sharpening communication skills, and learning new skills through online learning. Scheduling time as a group for team building activities or for individuals- using our Learning Zone planner can assist in reinvesting energy into the development of team members.

Right now, more than ever, we need to work on being a strong unit, understand goals, redefine them if needed, trust each other to work towards the same goals and feel like we belong to a team even when working remotely.

Check out here our Learning Zone Planning Guide

As leaders, you may not have all the answers or know exactly how to help. As leaders, you may not have all the answers or know exactly how to help. However, you can create a virtual open-door policy, allocate structured development time, encourage casual chats, and prioritise team building.

Ignite Team Spirit and Collaboration through Dynamic Team Building

In today’s dynamic and remote work environments, team building plays a vital role in fostering collaboration, boosting morale, and strengthening the bonds within your team. Investing in purposeful team activities can ignite team spirit, creating a sense of unity, even when working from different locations. It provides a platform for team members to connect, communicate, and build trust. Team building cultivates a supportive and cohesive work culture. It encourages open communication, enhances cooperation, and fosters a sense of belonging, ultimately driving productivity and achieving shared goals.

Virtual escape rooms, collaborative games, and team workshops offer innovative options for effective team building. These activities effectively foster teamwork and collaboration. Additionally, these interactive activities facilitate engagement, communication, and cooperation among team members. Tailoring team building activities to your team’s unique needs and preferences will ensure maximum engagement and enjoyment. Invest in the growth and development of your team, and create an environment where everyone thrives!

Training Gaps and Objectives: Bridging the Performance Divide

Strengthen your team’s bond. Explore Learning Elements‘ dynamic team building programs and take your team to new heights of collaboration and success!

Download Learning Zone Planning Guide here!